MALDM is a home-based program comprised primarily with the ENHANCED TEACHER-MADE LEARNING MODULES, Kite Academy - Learning Management System and virtual class sessions. Each Learning Module highlights a brief explanation of the content based on the Vertical Articulation of SHIS Curriculum. It also contains the learning content which is expected to be obtained by the learners/students with the aid of the three OUTCOME-BASED TEACHING and LEARNING (OBTL) process.
Develops in Students:
literacy, including reading; writing; listening; speaking and viewing
analysis and problem solving. problem posing and decision –making
knowledge of science and technology and their role in society
a knowledge and understanding of the social sciences; including history, geography politics, economics and culture
appreciation, understanding and confidence to participate in the arts including but not limited to music, drama, visual, arts and performance
skills in a variety of sports, physical fitness and sportsmanship ability
N1 • N2 • K1 • K2
The school builds upon the solid foundation of preparation constructed in the pre elementary years. The ages of 2 to 10 are critical for the development of basic skills in the areas of math, reading and language development. The child has great capacity during theses year to build academic and creative skills. In the classroom we “sow the seed of culture “by exposing the child to many areas of learning including geography, botany, zoology, social science and history.
Grade School
Grade 1 - Grade 6
The elementary curriculum continues to develop a sense of community, caring for each other, independence and self-direction.
Junior High School
Grade 7 - Grade 10
Provide a challenging school environment that includes opportunities for academic, creative, social and physical development
Develop parameters of behavior that promote assertiveness as well as compassion
Develop personal and social skills: including creative and critical thinking, self-discipline, self-confidence, responsibility, adaptability, open mindedness and a pursuit of excellence.
Recognize and reward student’s achievement
Unfold and develop the potential of each child by giving them activities and opportunities to be leaders and assisting them to pursue their personal interest
Encourage enthusiasm, curiosity and enjoyment for learning,
Encourage students to value learning
Provide a balance curriculum that is internationally recognized
Promoting tolerance and acceptance of cultural and religious diversity.